Jumat, 08 April 2011


Noun clause is a clause (ie subject and verb) that functioned as a noun. Noun clause in the sentence is generally used as subject and object of the sentence.
Noun clause can be preceded by:
Question word or relative pronoun in the form of a single question word or phrase:
* Single question word (ie Pls, how, what, ect.).
* Question word + determiner / noun / adjective / adverb.
* Question word + infinitive.
Conjunction (i.e. whether and if).
That or the fact that.
So the pattern of the noun clause is:
Question words / conjunction / That + subject + verb + ...
A. Noun Clauses beginning with Question words
In How to Address Questions about the use of the word has been discussed both in making the information asked questions and in making the embedded questions. Embedded questions is the noun clause. In this section provided additional examples to refresh your memory.
Noun clause can be placed at the beginning of the sentence (as subject) or as an object. If you want to change the position of noun clause from the subject of the sentence becomes the object sentence, the pronoun it is usually required or slightly modified words.
a) Clause question is preceded by certain words (ie Pls, Whenever, Nowhere) can also function as an adverbial clause.
b). Clause is preceded by the question of certain words (ie who, whom, whose + noun) can also function as an adjective clause. In this case, said the real question is the relative pronoun. Well, do not be too confused by the term. What is important you understand the pattern / structure of the sentence. But, if you are curious, please read the topic adjective clauses.
B. Noun clauses beginning with whether / if
Whether may be followed by the OR / NOT can also not; meaning of the sentence is usually the same although the OR / NOT is not specified (this depends on the context of the sentence). For use if, in addition to the topic discussed conjunctions, also has been discussed in the topic conditionals. Note: whether pelafalannya same as weather (weather), his writing is also similar. Be careful, do not be confused.
C. Noun clauses beginning with That / the fact That
Here That means that, while the fact That means the fact that. Meanwhile, that in adjective clauses mean that.

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