Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Gerund and Infinitive

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda dan karenanya dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek dan pelengkap (complement) dalam kalimat, juga di belakang sebuah preposisi.
Bentuk gerund biasanya disebut verb+ing. Mungkin istilah itulah yang biasa kita kenal selama ini mengenai gerund. Singkatnya, GERUND adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb) + ing.
Examples :
Swimming is a good sport (as subject)
I like swimming (as object)
My hobby is swimming (as complement)
Nah, dari beberapa contoh di atas, kita bisa melihat contoh penggunaan gerund yang bisa bertindak sebagai subjek, objek, dan pelengkap. Dan bentuknya adalah noun atau kata benda.
Beberapa kata, seperti adjektives (kata sifat), prepositions (kata depan) dan verbs (kata kerja) harus diikuti oleh bentuk -ING (gerund).
Penggunaan Gerund setelah adjectives (with preposition)
Adjektives + preposisi berikut harus diikuti dengan bentuk -ING :
afraid of, angry about / at, bad at, busy, clever at, interested in, proud of, crazy about, disappointed about, excited about, famous for, fond of, sorry about, worried about.
He’s afraid of going by plane.
I am interested in visiting the museum.
He is clever at skateboarding.
The girl is crazy about playing tennis.
I’m worried about making mistakes.
Penggunaan Gerund setelah preposisi
Preposisi-preposisi yang diikuti dengan gerund :
about, of, from, about, after, apart from, before, by, in, instead of, on, without, because of.
Before going to bed he turned off the lights.
She avoided him by walking on the opposite side of the road.
We arrived in Madrid after driving all night.
He told the joke without laughing.
Penggunaan Gerund setelah verbs (kata kerja)
verbs berikut harus diikuti dengan gerund:
admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, suggest, understand, miss, reject, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, resist, imagine, permit, practise.
I enjoy cooking.
He admitted having driven too fast.
Ralph is considering buying a new house.
I delayed telling Max the news.
They miss playing with their friends.
Selain itu, gerund juga harus mengikuti beberapa kata berikut:
prefer, admit, delay, avoid, mind, like, enjoy, continue, fond, busy, etc.
I prefer singing to dancing
She was busy writing a letter
Donny is fond dancing
We are looking forward to going back to school

B.INFINITIVE (kata kerja yang menggunakan TO)
We use to Infinitive as:
1. Subject
- To drive fest need a lot of practice.
2. Modifier(sebagai penjelas)
a.Penjelas kata benda, contoh: We need water to drink.
b.Penjelas Kata Sifat, contoh: Anita was sad to hear that terrible news.
c.Penjelas kata kerja, contoh: I was invited to come to party.
3. Kata kerja berikut ini diikuti to Infinitive:
Advise, allow, ask, decide, expect, force, hope, intend, invite, instruct, learn, mean, need, permit, promise, propose,Want, wish, would like, tell, teach.
- Anita decided to go abroad.
- The teacher asked me to clean the whiteboard.
1. Setelah Modal (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must)
2. Setelah Kata Kerja Panca Indra: see, look at, observe, watch, notice, feel, listen, smell, hear.
selain diikuti oleh infinitive tanpa to, kata kerja panca indra juga bisa diikuti V-ing.
- I saw someone croos the street.
- My father smells something burn.

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