Senin, 30 Juni 2014


Exercise 1 
1. He tried to avoid answering my question.
2. Could you please stop making so much noise?
3. I enjoy listening to music. 
4. I considered being for the job but in the end I decided againts it.
5. Have you finished washing your hair yet? 
6. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk seeing knocked down.
7. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on working.
8. I don’t mind you using the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.
9. Hello! Fancy being you here! What a surprise!
10. I’ve put off writting the letter so many times. I really do it today.
11. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody, being so stupid?
12. Sarah gave up being trying to find a job im this country and decided to go abroad.

Exercise 2 
1.  I can do what I want and you can’t stop me.
You can’t stop me doing what I want.
2. It’s not good idea to travel during the rush hour.
It’s better to avoid traveling during the rush hour. 
 3. Shall we go tommorow instead of today?
Shall we postpone go today, but tommorow.
4. Could you turn the radio down, please?
Would you mind to turn the radio down? 
 5. Please don’t interrupt me all the time.
Would you mind to don’t interrupt me all the time.

Exercise 3 
1. Don’t forget to post the letter I gave you.
2. There was a lot of traffic but we managed to arrive to the airport in time.
3. Jill has decided not to buy a car.
4. We’ve got a new computer in our office. I haven’t learnt to use it yet.  
5. I wonder where Sue is. She promise not to be late. 
 6. We were all to afraid to speak. Nobody dared to tell anything.

Exercise 4 
1. When i’m tired, I enjoy watching television. It’s relaxing.
2. It was a nice day, so we decided to go for a walk. 
3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy going for a walk? 
4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind to wait.
5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford going out very often.
6.  I wish that dog would stop barking. It’s driving me mad.
7. Our neighbour thereatened calling the police if we didn’t stop the noise.  
8. We were hungry, so I suggested having dinner early.
9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk missing the train.
10. I’m still looking for a job but I hope to find something soon.

Gerund and Infinitive

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda dan karenanya dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek dan pelengkap (complement) dalam kalimat, juga di belakang sebuah preposisi.
Bentuk gerund biasanya disebut verb+ing. Mungkin istilah itulah yang biasa kita kenal selama ini mengenai gerund. Singkatnya, GERUND adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb) + ing.
Examples :
Swimming is a good sport (as subject)
I like swimming (as object)
My hobby is swimming (as complement)
Nah, dari beberapa contoh di atas, kita bisa melihat contoh penggunaan gerund yang bisa bertindak sebagai subjek, objek, dan pelengkap. Dan bentuknya adalah noun atau kata benda.
Beberapa kata, seperti adjektives (kata sifat), prepositions (kata depan) dan verbs (kata kerja) harus diikuti oleh bentuk -ING (gerund).
Penggunaan Gerund setelah adjectives (with preposition)
Adjektives + preposisi berikut harus diikuti dengan bentuk -ING :
afraid of, angry about / at, bad at, busy, clever at, interested in, proud of, crazy about, disappointed about, excited about, famous for, fond of, sorry about, worried about.
He’s afraid of going by plane.
I am interested in visiting the museum.
He is clever at skateboarding.
The girl is crazy about playing tennis.
I’m worried about making mistakes.
Penggunaan Gerund setelah preposisi
Preposisi-preposisi yang diikuti dengan gerund :
about, of, from, about, after, apart from, before, by, in, instead of, on, without, because of.
Before going to bed he turned off the lights.
She avoided him by walking on the opposite side of the road.
We arrived in Madrid after driving all night.
He told the joke without laughing.
Penggunaan Gerund setelah verbs (kata kerja)
verbs berikut harus diikuti dengan gerund:
admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, suggest, understand, miss, reject, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, resist, imagine, permit, practise.
I enjoy cooking.
He admitted having driven too fast.
Ralph is considering buying a new house.
I delayed telling Max the news.
They miss playing with their friends.
Selain itu, gerund juga harus mengikuti beberapa kata berikut:
prefer, admit, delay, avoid, mind, like, enjoy, continue, fond, busy, etc.
I prefer singing to dancing
She was busy writing a letter
Donny is fond dancing
We are looking forward to going back to school

B.INFINITIVE (kata kerja yang menggunakan TO)
We use to Infinitive as:
1. Subject
- To drive fest need a lot of practice.
2. Modifier(sebagai penjelas)
a.Penjelas kata benda, contoh: We need water to drink.
b.Penjelas Kata Sifat, contoh: Anita was sad to hear that terrible news.
c.Penjelas kata kerja, contoh: I was invited to come to party.
3. Kata kerja berikut ini diikuti to Infinitive:
Advise, allow, ask, decide, expect, force, hope, intend, invite, instruct, learn, mean, need, permit, promise, propose,Want, wish, would like, tell, teach.
- Anita decided to go abroad.
- The teacher asked me to clean the whiteboard.
1. Setelah Modal (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must)
2. Setelah Kata Kerja Panca Indra: see, look at, observe, watch, notice, feel, listen, smell, hear.
selain diikuti oleh infinitive tanpa to, kata kerja panca indra juga bisa diikuti V-ing.
- I saw someone croos the street.
- My father smells something burn.

Verb Phrase,Tenses & Singular and Plural Noun

1. Verb Phrase
Verb phrases or verb phrase is a phrase that is composed of a main verb plus auxiliaries, adverbs, adverb phrases (or clauses), propositional phrases, or object. In a sentence, the verb phrase as the predicate function.

- He was smoking. - After she had learned to drive, Alice felt more independent.
- We will meet at the library at 3:30 p.m.
- Henry made ​​my coaches very proud.

In a verb phrase, verb always be the head, which can be accompanied by pre-modifiers and / or post-modifier.

If there are pre-modifiers, can be a negative word (not / never) or an adverb phrase.
- Not say what he is doing.
- Never needs money.
- Deliberately He broke the window.

Most head verb must be followed by a post-modifiers.
- My son [made ​​a cake].
- We [keep pigeons].
- I [recommend the fish].

Verbs that require post-modifiers commonly called transitive verbs. Post-modifiers in the example above is called the direct object (direct object) or complement (complement of the head).

Conversely, some verbs (Intransitive verbs) used without a direct object:
- Susan smiled.
- The professor yawned.

However, many verbs in English also serves as Transitive and Intransitive, depending on how its use in a sentence. Here is an example of the use of the two forms of the verb:
- Mark smokes. (Intransitive)
- Mark smokes cigars. (Transitive)

Object or verb phrase complement complement not only the direct object (direct object) but can also be indirect object (indirect object).
- We [gave James a present].

Consider also the following example that uses the verb to be as a head:
- David [is a musician]
- Amy [is clever]
- Our car [is in the car park]

Is a form of the verb tenses in English to show the time (present, future, or past) the occurrence of an act or event. In Indonesia, the 16 kinds of English tenses.
Various Kinds, Usage, Formulas and Example Sentence tenses

Here all kinds, usage, and examples of formula 16 kinds of English tenses.
Tense sorts of Use and Formulas tenses Tenses Example Sentences:

- Simple Present Tense Tense is to state the facts, habits, and events that happen at the present time. We agree with the speaker's opinion.
(We agree with the speaker's opinion.)
S + V-1

- Tense Present Continuous Tense to talk about the ongoing action plans now or in the future. I'm driving a car to London now.
(I'm driving to London right now.)
S + am / is / are + present participle

- Tense Present Perfect Tense is used to express an activity or situation that has started in the past and has been completed at a given point in time in the past or still continues today. I have lived in Cilegon for 3 months.
(I've lived in Cilegon for 3 months.)
S + have / has + past participle

- Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense is to express action completed at some point in the past or the action has started in the past and continues today. The toddlers have been playing a ball for an hour.
(Toddlers-toddler had been playing ball for an hour.)
S + have / has + been + present participle

- Tense Simple Past Tense is to show that an event occurred in the past. The party started at 10:00 a.m.
(The party starts at 10 am.)
S + V-2

- Tense Past Continuous Tense is used to express that an action is happening at a particular time in the past. The team was playing basketball all day yesterday.
(Tim played basketball all day yesterday.)
S + was / were + present participle

- Tense Past Perfect Tense is to declare that an action has been completed at some point in the past before another action occurs. When he came last night, the cake had run out.
(When he came last night, the cake was gone.)
S + had + past participle

- Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action (with a certain time duration) has been completed at a given point in time in the past. The labors had been demonstrating for an hour when the manager came.
(Workers have protested for an hour when the manager came.)
S + had + been + present participle

- Tense Simple Future Tense is to declare that an action happening in the future, be spontaneous or planned. You will win the game.
(You will win the game.)
S + will + bare infinitive S + Be (is / am / are) + going + infinitive I am going to meet him tomorrow.
(I'll see him tomorrow.)

- Continuous Tense Future Tense to express the action that will be taking place at a specific time in the future. He will be sleeping at 10 p.m.
(He will moderate sleep at 10 pm.)
S + will + be + present participle

- Tense Future Perfect Tense is to reveal that an activity will have been completed at some point in time in the future. At this time next month, I'll have finished my English course.
(At the same time next month, I will have completed English courses.)
S + will + have + past participle

- Future Perfect Continuous Tense Tense to express that an action would have been going on for so long at a certain point in time in the future. The paint will not have been sleeping long when you get home.
(The cat has a long nap when you get home.)
S + will + have + been + present participle

- Simple Past Tense Future Tense is to express an action to perform, make predictions, and make an appointment in the future at the time was past. He would forgive you.
(He will forgive you.)
S + would + bare infinitive

- Past Continuous Tense Future Tense to talk about an action that will be taking place (in the form of predictions / plans) in the future at the time was past. She would be working at nine o'clock this morning.
(He will're working nine hours of this morning.)
S + would + be + present participle

- Past Tense Future Perfect Tense to talk about an action that activity would have been done in the past. This form is also used in a conditional sentence type 3. I thought you would have slept by the time I arrived.
(I think you would have gone to bed by the time I arrived.)
S + would + have + past participle

- Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Similar to future perfect continuous tense, but the realization of the action taken can be known now as the action happened in the past. He would not have been working as a civil engineer in Jakarta by the end of this month last week.
(He would have worked as a civil enjinir in Jakarta at the end of the week last month.)
S + would + have + been + present participle

3.Singular and Plural Noun
 1. Singular Noun
According to Barbara Dykes (207: 2007), Singular Noun is "of nouns or pronouns, indicating a single number, ie one only "(noun or pronoun that refers to single digits just one example). From this definition we know that the name of Singular Noun is a noun that refers to an object or a single. Singular Noun usually preceded by Article (preposition), eg a, an, one. example:
a. A book (a book)
b. An apple (an apple)
c. One bag (one bag)

2. Plural Noun
According to Barbara Dykes (206: 2007), Plural Noun is "of nouns or pronouns, indicating a number that is more than one" (noun or pronoun that refers to more than one number). From this definition we know that the name Plural Noun is a noun that refers to more than one object or plural.

B. Establishment of Being Singular Plural Noun Noun

We certainly have understood in terms of what it Singular nouns (singular noun) and Plural Nouns (plural noun) and also of course we already know that only Singular Countable Nouns (singular noun that can be counted) that can be converted into Plural Nouns. In general, Plural Nouns formed by adding the suffix-s in the back Singular nouns, for example:

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
book Books
paint Cats
House Houses
Dog Dogs

But there are some exceptions in the formation of plural nouns that we need to know, such as:

1. The given suffix-ice on Singular nouns when the nouns ending beep and hiss-ss,-s,-x,-z,-ch, and-sh. For example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Glass Glasses
Bus buses
Boxes Boxes
Quiz quizes
Chruch Churches
Brush Brushes

2. If Singular nouns ending in-ch but no hissing sounds, but pronounced with the sound / k /, the plural form is not added-ice, but the suffix-s, for example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Stomach stomachs
Monarch Monarchs

3. By giving the suffix-ice on Singular nouns ending in-o preceded by a Consonant (dead letter), for example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Buffalo Buffaloes
Tomato Tomatoes
Mango Mangoes
Potato Potatoes

4. However, a number of Singular nouns do not follow the above rules. That is, there Singular nouns ending in-o and begins with a consonant, but its Noun Plural form only added-s, not-ice, for example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
kilo kilos
Bamboo Bamboos
Folio folios
Photo Photos
piano pianos
radio radios
Studio Studios
Zoo Zoos

5. If there Singular nouns ending in-y preceded by a Consonant letters (consonants), Plural Nouns its shape is changing the suffix-y to-i later added the suffix-ice, for example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Dictionaries Dictionary
Baby Babies
City Cities
Country Countries
Duties Duty
Enemy Enemies
Hobby Hobies

6. If Singular nouns ending in-y preceded by the letters Vocal (vowels) was added the suffix-s enough to change the Singular Plural nouns into nouns, for example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Boy Boys
Day Days
Donkey Donkeys
jurney Jurneys
Toy Toys
Way Ways
Monkey Monkeys

7. Suffix-f or-fe on Singular nouns changed to-ves to make it plural, for example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Knife Knives
Leaf Leaves
Shelf Shelves
Thief Thieves
wife Wives
Wolf Wolves

8., But there are some exceptions to Singular nouns ending in-f or-fe, Singular nouns only following the suffix-s is added to make the Singular nouns into i, for example:  

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
belief Beliefs
Chief Chiefs
Cliff Cliffs
Dwarf Drawfs
Gualf Gualfs
proof Proofs
Reef Reefs
Roof Roofs
turf turfs

9. Changes shape into a Singular Plural Nouns above arguably changes regularly (Regular), the below mentioned forms of change Singular Plural nouns into irregular nouns (Irrigular) Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Child Children
Foot Feet
Goose Geese
Loose Lice
Man Men
mouse Mice
Ox Oxen
Tooth Teeth
Woman Women

10. Several Plural nouns have the same form as the form of his Singural nouns, for example:
Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Cattle Cattle
Grouse Grouse
Fruit Fruit
Fish Fish
Deer Deer
Series Series
Sheep Sheep
species species